Often, chins that develop during a first, testosterone-influenced puberty are more square and prominent. Genioplasty is the procedure used to help give our patients a shorter, rounder, or more v-shaped chin that helps create a round or oval shape of the face. When performing genioplasty, our surgeons make incisions on the inside of the mouth, at the base of the lower gums, from one canine tooth to another. There are 3 different techniques we can use to perform a genioplasty, so it is important that you discuss your goals with your surgeon. Given the invasive nature of this procedure, patients are advised to observe certain dietary restrictions and be patient as it takes several months for swelling to come down.
First, genioplasty can be accomplished by contouring the chin. This method shapes the bone of the chin rather than cutting or moving any bones.
Second, we can do a procedure in which one horizontal bone cut through the chin is made, which can help to move the chin forward or backwards. This method is called a sliding genioplasty and uses plates and screws to secure the chin in its new position.
Third, we offer a procedure called reductive “T” genioplasty that makes two cuts to the bone: one horizontal and one vertical. This allows for the chin to become both more narrow and also shorter, and also uses plates and screws to hold the chin in its new position.
Similar to mandible contouring, we ask patients to eat a soft diet for 2 weeks because introducing hard to scratchy foods before this time can expose patients to infections. The incisions inside the mouth will heal over the course of those first 2 weeks.
While there is less swelling associated with genioplasty than with mandible contouring, the swelling timeline should be the same. Patients can expect to be very swollen around their chin and jaw area the first months following surgery. Around 3-6 months post-op, the patient’s face returns to what it may have looked like before surgery and finally. Following this period, around 6-9 months, the effects of surgery start to be visible.
All virtual and in-person consultations with our board-certified surgeons are free. Once you fill out this form, our patient care team will reach out and guide you through every step to get to surgery.