
Gray, Model & Scientist

When I decided to proceed with gender affirming surgery, I was nervous, scared, and overwhelmed. I didn’t know what surgeries were available, what the recovery would look like, or how to go about receiving that kind of medical care. Google search after Google search, I found myself looking at educational content on the GCC website. I learned about the various kinds of top surgery, their ability to perform body contouring, and the kinds of gender masculinization surgeries available, the stages of recovery, and the process in general. It was then that I felt confident in my choice to proceed with GCC for my medical care. In total I have had three surgeries with Dr. Facque and I could not be happier with my results! He performed a double incision with nipple grafts, body contouring (flank, abdomen, thighs), and facial masculinization surgery (chin lipo). In every case, the process was smooth and straightforward (despite some of my surgeries taking place during the height of COVID). I scheduled consults, communicated with the insurance team, and got on the surgery schedule – each time with ease. The process really helped calm my nerves around this pivotal moment in my life, the team was respectful and answered all my questions, and Dr. Facque made me feel seen and heard. I think it speaks volumes that each time I’ve decided to proceed with a gender affirming surgery, I’ve always returned to GCC. I am now a more confident, joyous, and excited version of myself, and running around with my shirt off never gets old!

Gray, Model & Scientist

Kelc, Personal Trainer

Hi! I’m non-binary, and post-top surgery was my first time being really comfortable in my body. A little over 10 years ago, I remember breaking down to my mom and begging for a way to change my chest. I didn’t understand who I was, looking for anyone to help me understand. I was met with the immediate assumption that I wanted my chest to be BIGGER, that I could get plastic surgery, move some fat around, and have a “better” chest instead. I was around 14. I never really got past those comments, and the feeling of something being wrong with me grew. I’m 26 now, almost a year post-op, and I know now that nothing is wrong with me. The GCC let me open up, and the feelings that I had since I was 14 were being heard for the first time. Dr Jacobs was attentive, kind, and wanted to understand what I had to say. He assured me that all my feelings associated with this surgery were normal and made me feel very comfortable. The GCC answered all my questions along the way and made this huge life decision the easiest one

I cannot thank everyone enough, Dr. Jacobs, my nursing team, the front desk individuals, and everyone in-between that helped me feel welcomed and comfortable. The experience I had here made it really clear that I wasn’t broken, but that I had people that were listening and supporting the decision I made. I’m so grateful I did, and I couldn’t be happier.

I’ve had some pretty intense surgeries, and this was definitely the best overall experience, from start to finish. I felt comfortable and seen, and I highly, highly recommend the GCC.

Kelc, Personal Trainer

Camille, Auto Enthusiast

When I first started medically and socially transitioning, I could see the effects slowly shifting my body. I was ecstatic, documenting everything closely from my hair, face and body profile. My friends would shower me with support and compliments while on my journey. Despite this, dysphoria kept cropping up over things others may consider minor flaws or even unnoticeable. To me, they were glaringly obvious. Most notably, my hairline, brow ridge, and the shape of my jaw. I did my best to hide them with camera angles and subtle lighting in pictures, but seeing my face in the mirror reminded me of my flaws. It heightened my fear that others could see them too, regardless of how they would say otherwise. I realized that of all the gender affirming surgeries that I could undergo, I knew I wanted to remedy those areas of my face first before anything else. Thanks to the entire staff of the GCC (Gender Confirmation Center) and notably Dr. Alexander Facque, every time I see myself in the mirror and pictures, I am overwhelmed with joy that I get to look like this everyday now. When I compare before and after surgery pictures, I can see the positive changes surgery has made on my face. The further I’m along in my recovery, the more the changes take effect.

I have also improved immensely, emotionally and mentally. I go out of my way to check myself out in the mirror, where before I actively avoided. I rely less on camera tricks while taking selfies, and I take plenty of them. I have a newfound sense of self-confidence in addition to the help of hormones, makeup and developing my aesthetic. Facial surgery and the recovery were some of the most physically and mentally intense things I have gone through, but I know it was the right decision to make. I am so thankful for the opportunity to unlock my fullest potential.

Camille, Auto Enthusiast

Sarello, Coffee Daddy & Entrepreneur

To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen myself happier. I literally cannot imagine not being a man of trans experience. Top surgery, testosterone, and this lil filipino beard of mine give me life, and I’m so grateful to have had a perfect experience with Dr. Mosser and his wonderful team at the GCC.

Not only have I never seen myself happier, I’ve never truly seen what love looks like reflected in me. My tender cancer heart is always so busy loving others, and though I know I’m loved, I don’t think I always remember I’m deserving and worthy of love.

Finally the man of my dreams and I couldn’t be happier since top surgery! The euphoria from being able to look and feel my most authentic self is so freeing and affirming and I can’t thank Dr. Mosser and his team at the GCC (Gender Confirmation Center) enough!

Sarello, Coffee Daddy & Entrepreneur

Jeyden, Dancer & Content Creator

My name is Jeyden, and I would like to share my story with top surgery. For years I knew I wanted to do something about my chest. Unfortunately, I did not have many resources to understand better that having top surgery was an option. Eventually, when I started gaining independence, I decided to go to therapy. My therapist recommended the GCC (Gender Confirmation Center) out of San Francisco, California. I was in awe of the option of surgery being so close to me, but the journey wasn’t over for me; it had just begun. I had so many questions, “how does surgery work?” “What is possible?” “What will I look like?” “Will I be okay?” I was overwhelmed. I spoke with a friend who had surgery with Dr. Mosser, and from there, I was able to believe that I could go through with the surgery.

I had my consultation, and Dr. Mosser was honest and answered all my questions. Initially, he was to be my surgeon, but Dr. Facque took his place due to scheduling. Even then, he took his time answering my questions, made me feel comfortable, and even comforted me when I had some tears during one of the earlier stages of my consultations. Finally, I made the appointment, and the countdown began! January 18th, 2021, I walked into GCC, the old version of myself, and came out (no pun intended) a new person!

The nurses were so kind to answer any post questions that I may have had or concerns. They walked through my care with my post-bandage removal. I am genuinely grateful for gender-affirming care and the doctors/nurses that make it all possible. Their attention to detail, patience, and care make the surgery worthwhile. Now I am two years post-op, and I truly am a happy trans person. I don’t know where I would be mentally if this surgery did not happen. Thank you, GCC, for giving me the confidence I needed to be the person I knew I could be.

Jeyden, Dancer & Content Creator


Growing up, I never liked my chest. I remember as a tween pretending that I wasn’t growing breasts even as they began to be too big to ignore. I got by with sports bras and loose shirts, hoping that I could ignore them out of existence. As I grew up and came out as trans, I never imagined I would have the opportunity to get top surgery. I used to think I was not “trans enough” to qualify. Once I found out non-binary people could get gender-affirming surgery, my hopes went up, but I still felt like I was going to have to conform to a certain type of “transmasculine” standards to get approved for top surgery. I was so excited when I found the GCC (Gender Confirmation Center). When I saw there was a whole section of gender-neutral care at the GCC I was ecstatic. For the first time, I felt like there was gender-affirming care that was centered on me and my experience. I wasn’t disappointed when I started my journey with GCC. Each step of the way I felt cared for, validated, and heard. They were prompt and clear in their communication, and every member of the staff helped me to feel good and understood.

Additionally, as a fat person, I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get surgery because some places have BMI requirements. I was so happy to find out that they were willing to work with all bodies. Having surgery at a place that specializes in gender-affirming care instead of general plastic surgery was also an amazing experience. Everything was set up for me and my community. I felt that was represented in the staff as well. The surgery team was kind, reassuring, and laughed at all my jokes. In my post-op care, I felt the team was helpful and responsive to my questions. I felt prepared before, during, and after. I recommend the GCC to everybody I know who wants gender-affirming surgery. They really showed me what it was like to be supported and validated in the medical system, which I didn’t experience before going to them. And best of all, my results are fantastic. I am so happy with how my chest looks, and for all the care I received along the way from GCC. Every single day I wake up, see my chest looking like I always imagined it, and continue to be thankful that I chose GCC to care for me.


R, Tattoo Artist

For over 10 years, I studied different surgeons’ results and read countless reviews about the patient’s experiences with having top surgery. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to select Dr. Mosser and his team to care for me.

Everyone was very helpful, kind, and respectful. You can feel that Mosser and his team care about their patients. I felt safe and comfortable the entire time.

I described exactly the chest I wanted and Mosser listened attentively and delivered me exactly the chest I always dreamt of. I could not be happier with the results!

I listened to the before surgery rules to prepare myself and my body, as well as the aftercare and followed the recommended time frames on everything (diet, exercise, restrictions, etc). Healing after surgery takes time and patience. The doctors and nurses are very informative and clear about how to be cared for (in the early stages) and how to take care of yourself afterwards to end up with the absolute best results.

R, Tattoo Artist

Nico R

I have nothing but incredible things to say about my experience with Dr. Mosser and his team. Being transgender, it sometimes feels that you are constantly fighting battles when it comes to your medical care. Dr. Mosser was such a breath of fresh air. He is a professional that genuinely understands the transgender community and values the opportunity to contribute towards changing transgender lives.

Surgery with Dr. Mosser changed my life. I continue to be impressed by my results. He listened carefully to what my goals were with surgery and executed them perfectly. This is a physician who is not only a surgeon, but an artist.

Thank you Dr. Mosser and your team for making me feel confident in my body and inspiring me to live everyday as my authentic self.

Nico R.

Ace S

Surgery with Dr. Mosser has truly been a transformative, life-changing experience. Today I am comfortable and confident to say I am trans: a conclusion that took years to reach.

Navigating through the US healthcare system has been an ongoing challenge, especially as a foreign-born, non-binary person. Growing up between two cultures and juggling with differently defined gender roles, I have struggled with the idea that I wasn’t “trans enough” to deserve or qualify for treatment (which is, of course, not true at all!) The moment I walked into Dr. Mosser’s office, I knew I was welcomed, listened to, and taken seriously. Thank you so much for holding a safe, respectful, and liberating space for all folks on the spectrum.

I am fortunate and privileged to have made it this far with the help of such a great support system. Without the weight of dysphoria, my mind and body feel so much lighter; even breathing seems a lot easier now. I am finally at peace with the person in the mirror staring back at me, and I remind them how proud I am for who we are, the choices we’ve made and for surviving the little everyday struggles.

Ace S.


As a non-binary person, I wavered for a long time about whether or not to have top surgery. Working with Dr. Mosser’s practice helped me decide to go for it, and in retrospect it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Like many transgender people, I struggled with feeling comfortable in my body before surgery, and that made it hard for me to take good care of health, like exercising and going to the doctor. I’ve been a runner for a long time, but going for a run always made me self-conscious. The first time I went for a run after recovering from surgery it felt so light and easy that I literally laughed out loud running down the sidewalk. Now when I exercise I can enjoy the way it makes me feel, instead of trying to avoid thinking about my body. As great as having top surgery was for my mental health and my gender identity, it’s also been really important in helping me take better care of my physical health.

Dr. Mosser’s practice stood out to me because everyone was very competent around working with non-binary clients, and Dr. Mosser was really willing to listen to my particular goals for surgery and make them happen. Moving through the world after surgery feels cleaner, like I used to devote lots of mental energy into dealing with my dysphoria and I just don’t have to anymore. Just about every day I notice some little thing that feels easier than it used to – taking a shower, getting dressed, going to the gym, even hugging a friend. And every day, I feel grateful for this new comfort in my body.

Ary S.

Testimonial 1

Dear Dr. Mosser, thanks so much for meeting with me the other day to discuss top surgery. I am grateful to you and Andria’s for your thoughtfulness and kindness. This was the most positive experience I’ve had with a healthcare team in a long time, and I am thankful for your attention to issues of gender identity! I look forward to meeting with you again in a few weeks.

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 2

Dr. Mosser, you are a talented blessing! I’m glad we crossed paths and were able to work well with one another through this whole process. Thank you for helping me achieve the best blessing in my life! I can’t be anymore thankful than I already am for the amazing work you have done for me. You are a gem of great talent and charisma! Thank you for making me feel 100% comfortable with your work & info & staff, you are all great!

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 3

Thank you Dr. Mosser for taking such good care of me. You made this whole process and experiences the best it could have been. Never once did you make me feel uncomfortable and you were always very reassuring and kind. I appreciate so much the work you do for this community and specifically what you did for me. Thank You


FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 4

Dear Dr. Mosser,

I wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for all that you’ve done! I imagine that being a surgeon is very rewarding by nature, but I want to stress the individual impact you have made on my life as it cannot be captured by words. You have, with the help of your incredible staff, given me a second chance at loving my body and loving myself. My gratitude is beyond the limitations of a simple letter.

I am nothing but ecstatic with how the entire process went. I thoroughly enjoyed coordinating with your team and essentially establishing a relationship with each member. You have gathered a remarkable group of people and it undoubtedly shows. You are very professional, sincere, caring and efficient. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

As surgery approached I was nothing but excited. Your skill, composure and finesse eased any nervousness that surfaced. I am extraordinarily grateful for what you have done for me. You are amazing at what you do and you make remarkable impacts on the lives of others. I thank you for allowing mine to be one of them.

I look forward to embracing life with this new outlook as I can now feel comfortable in my own skin. I look forward to feeling more confident and more at peace with myself. Thank you for everything. You have given me happiness, you have given me freedom.

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 5

I just want to thank you for being such a strong supporter of my transition. During this time I have learned that finding allies are exceptionally rare and should be honored and appreciated. Thanks to your support, I wake up each morning with the desire to finish my day. I have never so alive, happy and enthusiastic. Your support has allowed me to pursue many dreams I have put on hold over the years because I simply thought I wasn’t good enough. I cannot thank you enough, I am so grateful to have found a supporter in my transition.

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 6

Dr. Mosser & Team,

Thank you for turning your diligence and hard work toward gender confirming surgeries. The skill you bring to these procedures provides those of us who need them more than just diminished comfort. I feel positive and happy with myself in a way I had previously dismissed as impossible. Thanks again for your care.

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 7

Last week I was lucky enough to have Dr. Mosser as my surgeon for FTM top surgery. I couldn’t be happier with the results as well as the terrific experience I had in your office. Your office is simply the best any trans person could ask for! You were all so kind and welcoming and my recovery is going wonderfully. I’m so so grateful for the experience I had with you all, and I want to express what an incredible thing you have done for my life. For you guys this is an everyday occurrence, but for me it is a huge milestone and a once in a lifetime experience. Thank you so much for everything and for truly changing my life!  

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 8

Dr. Mosser – I wanted to thank you again for everything you’ve done for me. I hope you know what a difference you’re not only making in my life, but every other trans person’s life who comes to you as well. I chose you because I’ve heard nothing but amazing reviews and you’ve exceeded all of my expectations. Thank you for helping me recognize who I see in the mirror. You really are amazing.

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 9

Dear Dr. Mosser and Staff, Thank you for all you have done for me and for so many other non-binary trans people like me. I have received excellent medical care at many previous moments in my life- but that care only ever came with the weight of many excruciating expectations and assumptions (however well-intentioned) about who I was, or how and how I was supposed to be. Thank you for approaching your work with curiosity and empathy. Thank you for honoring the experiences, desires, fears, hopes and dreams of all people like me. It is definitely much easier to ignore, undermine, discard, or”normalize” us. Thank you for doing what is fair and decent and right even though it is hard. It was certainly hard for me to learn how to articulate what I wanted for myself, and then to believe I was allowed to do so. I’m so glad you all were here for me when I was finally capable and ready. I hope many others like me will find you when they need you, too. I know I will cherish this body for the rest of my life now that it suits me so much better. But I might cherish this experience- so rare and sweet and wonderful- of being seen, heard, acknowledged, and understood even more! Anyway, thank you for all of it. Mahalo.

FTM Top Surgery patient

Testimonial 10

Dear Dr. Mosser and the entire team, Thank you so much for your time, energy, expertise- I recognize it is the work you all do for a living, but you have each changed my life. It has only been one day since I have seen my chest for the first time, and I am sure what it means hasn’t fully washed over me. I am looking forward to continuing to heal and to a lifetime of my body appearing how I always thought is should. Thanks to you, I can feel free more free than ever, like on the beach and in the moments I hope will be the most important of my life, like holding a child for the first time. I cannot overstate how comfortable you each made me feel. from first contact to surgery day, to post-op appointments. Not everyone is so capable of putting someone at ease in these moments. I count myself very lucky to have met all of you and to share this transformative time with you. Thank you all so much for everything you do. I could not feel more joyful or grateful for each of you. Kindest and best to all of you, and thank you again.

FTM Top Surgery patient

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