How do I get my top surgery covered by insurance?

We have been able to secure insurance coverage from many insurance companies for transition-related procedures. To learn more, read our page on Insurance Approval. In order to have insurance cover your surgery, you will likely need a letter from a licensed mental health professional confirming you meet the WPATH guidelines, given we have a pre-existing agreement with your insurance company. Our office does not require a letter, but insurance companies usually do. Alternatively, there are ways to secure a Letter of Agreement (LOA) if our office does not have a pre-existing agreement with your insurance provider. Refer to this helpful graphic or contact our Insurance Concierge for more support in …

How common is regret after surgery?

The majority of patients do not regret surgery. Some people regret the type of procedure they undergo or do not have enough information prior to surgery, and thus do not have proper expectations set beforehand. Being well-informed and collaborating with your surgeon can ensure you are pursuing the correct procedure to meet your needs. Complications that can cause long lasting effects can unfortunately cause negative feelings associated with surgical outcomes;, however, the majority of complications can be managed to a positive end overall.

What can I do to minimize scarring?

Scar formation is a normal part of the healing process, but how your body scars depends on several factors such as age, genetics, location on the body and skin color. There are several options to help minimize scarring: stop smoking 3 weeks before and after surgery; eat a nutritious diet; use silicon sheet or tape; as well as intensive treatments such as steroid injections or laser scar removal.  For many chest reconstruction top surgery patients, it is really important for you to avoid having your arms over your shoulders for as much as 3 weeks after surgery, in order to have the very thinnest, flattest scars you can have. Your …

How much time do I need to take off work?

Time off needed from work depends on your job. A week or two off is generally advised for a desk job, as well as other normal routines to rest and recuperate.  Patients walk around immediately after surgery, and most patients feel up to resuming sedentary work and light physical activity within 8 to 10 days.  You can’t lift more than 5 lbs until three weeks after surgery, so if you have a more active job, you may have to wait three weeks or more until resuming work.

When can I shower after top surgery?

Within 3 to 7 days after surgery at your initial post-op visit, your surgeon will remove the dressings, make sure your chest is healing properly, and give you the go ahead to begin regular showers. Take care to let the water gently run over your chest and avoid any scrubbing until completely healed. Until that time, you can sponge bathe to keep clean.

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