At the Gender Confirmation Of San Francisco we strive to empower transgender and gender expansive folks to explore their authentic selves. Our overarching goal is to provide the trans community a variety of platforms to engage with oneself, one another and the world at large to foster positivity in the face of adversity.
As a member of the Trans Advisory Platform you would be working in collaboration with other Trans Advisory Platform Members as well as the Director. You would assist in the development of an inclusive and balanced direction for Gender Confirmation Center’s Public Engagement Content.
You can work from anywhere as long as you have access to a computer and internet.
The board members and director will meet monthly, or bi monthly as needed in the East Bay area.
Although this position is unpaid and unbenefited it will provide you with an opportunity to build your resume, provide resources to marginalized identities, network in the field of gender/healthcare, meet new people, and best of all have fun!
Under guidance from the Director you would create/assist in producing unbiased, accurate, and comprehensive web content that is both educational and engaging. As well as providing your creative input regarding design materials, educational materials, and other channels of communication. It’s an all-encompassing position where your opinion is valued, received and implemented where applicable.
This position requires no physical requirements and is open to all folks regardless of physical ability
If you are unable to attend the monthly meetings in person due to physical ability, transportation or other reasons we will accommodate as best as possible (whether that’s carpooling or Skyping).
Email the Director of the Trans Advisory Platform at: The email should include a brief bio of yourself (whatever details you want to provide) as well as a brief response to the question; “What’s your narrative?”. Please elaborate as to how your narrative aligns with Gender Confirmation Center’s mission and the qualifications listed in this posting.
All applications are appreciated, and only those candidates selected for interview will be contacted.
All virtual and in-person consultations with our board-certified surgeons are free. Once you fill out this form, our patient care team will reach out and guide you through every step to get to surgery.