Body image concerns, eating disorders, or substance abuse problems

Helping Transgender Patients Deal with Gender Dysphoria, Substance Abuse, Body Image and/or Eating Disorders When a transgender or gender non-conforming loved one embarks on a journey of transition, it’s crucial to address any psychological disorders they may be suffering as a direct result of their distress in trying to live happy and productive lives in the midst of conflicting feelings and gender confusion. Family members and long-time or close friends are in the best position to document and discuss such issues, which is why a strong support group is so important to successful treatment. Being transgender does not automatically mean that a person is suffering from a “disorder,” although it is the …

Are there support groups for family members or loved ones of transgendered individuals?

Support for Family and Loved Ones of Transgender Surgery Patients Supporting a transgender individual who is determined to seek gender identity satisfaction is a difficult, complicated, and often long-term undertaking. It requires love, understanding and a willingness to look past personal beliefs and traditional social conventions and preconceived moral or social attitudes. There are many resources that can be explored to find information and support for family, friends and partners of transgender patients undergoing a gender transition process. Begin by consulting the websites of national organizations established for the purpose of supporting this segment of the population:  Transgender Network (TNET), an arm of PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays), a long-established national …

Will this surgery improve the quality of life?

How Will Chest Reconstruction or Breast Augmentation Surgery Affect Quality of Life? If you have a friend, relative or loved one who is dissatisfied living in the sex and gender identities assigned to them at birth, that person may identify as transgender and/or gender non-conforming. What’s in a Term? ‘Transgenderism’ it is not currently classified as a diagnostic condition, nor is this term used in the WPATH Standards of Care, but is generally used as a catchall description for identifying as a sex and/or gender other than those assigned at birth. ‘Transsexualism’, ‘gender diversity’, ‘gender variance’, ‘gender dysphoria’, and ‘gender identity disorder (GID)’ are all terms used by both the medical and …

LGBTQ+ Resources for Support

LGBTQ+ Resources for Support It can be helpful to have online resources to rely on for further information about gender confirming surgery, transgender healthcare, and the general transgender community network. Advances in medical and social research have brought new understanding of transgender issues, and people in the trans community publish websites to exchange information and support with others seeking help or going through the treatment process. We have reviewed and compiled this list of important websites and useful links for anyone contemplating surgery and those who care about them. As in most human endeavors, “knowledge is power”, and we are firmly committed to helping our patients reach important decisions regarding …

Friends & family FAQs

Alternatives to Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) Dr. Mosser understands that trans and gender non-conforming people are a very diverse group. His expertise and experience extends to more than just surgical skills. He is aware that most transgender patients who come to him are in various stages of transitioning from their birth-assigned sex to living as the gender they feel is their true identity. Some may be very comfortable already living in their chosen gender identity and confident in their readiness to undergo plastic surgery, while others may be still investigating alternatives for finding satisfaction and self confidence in their gender identity. SRS can include MTF breast augmentation, FTM chest reconstruction, and a …

Is surgery appropriate?

Chest Reconstruction and Breast Augmentation Surgery in Gender Dysphoria Treatment When transgender and gender non-conforming choose to alter physical characteristics with sex reassignment surgery (SRS), they need the services of a board certified plastic surgeon who has expertise and understanding of the special circumstances as well as experience in aesthetic breast surgery. One of the most frequently requested plastic surgery procedures for transgender individuals is chest reconstruction, either MTF breast augmentation to create a more feminine body shape or FTM chest reconstruction to create a more masculine chest. For MTF patients, breast augmentation, with or without hormone therapy, can be very important in confirming a feminine self-image by bringing these external physical attributes into sync with the …

Multiple procedures at once?

MTF Transition and Multiple Surgical Procedures The decision to transition your gender identity is a very personal one that requires careful thought and consideration. Some people do not include medical procedures as a part of their transition, others choose some procedures, while still others desire a complete physical transformation. There is no one-size-fits-all surgical approach to transition. There are multiple procedures that can enhance your physical and emotional well-being. The right procedures for your body will ultimately depend on your cosmetic goals and health. Some of the most common MTF surgical procedures include: Breast augmentation Facial feminization Thyroid cartilage reduction Orchiectomy Penectomy Vaginoplasty Labiaplasty Clitoroplasty Abdominoplasty Scalp surgery Voice Surgery Multiple Procedures …

Incisions and scars

Incision and Scars after MTF Breast Augmentation Scarring is an inevitable consequence of most surgical procedures, including MTF breast augmentation. Though most patients don’t experience significant scarring, it’s important to prepare yourself for the possibility. Scars from MTF breast augmentation develop along the incision line where the implants are inserted. Scars form because of trauma to the skin. After a surgical incision, our bodies naturally produce a protein called collagen to repair the gap. Collagen is like the cement filling between two bricks. Though collagen is an essential part of the natural healing process, it often results in a noticeable scar. The more skin is damaged, the longer it will take …

Difference from breast augmentation

MTF Breast Augmentation vs. Traditional Breast Augmentation Transgender male to female-MTF breast implants If you’re considering, or already in the process of gender transition, you’ve probably heard the term breast augmentation before. Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that uses breast implants to enhance the size and shape of your chest. Most transfeminine individuals begin hormone therapy and find the resulting body changes to be positive, but many still desire larger breasts. By inserting a saline or silicone implant behind each breast, Dr. Mosser can increase the size and impact of your breasts to enhance your gender expression. Breast augmentation can be performed at any stage in your transition – it …

Breast Reduction vs Removal

FTM/N Breast Reduction vs. Breast Reconstruction: What’s the Difference? Female-to-male (FTM/N) chest surgery, commonly referred to as “top” surgery, is a highly adaptable procedure designed to make you feel more comfortable with your body. Most often the goal of FTM/N is to reduce “feminine” characteristics to make your body appear more “masculine” or less gendered. Both breast reduction and chest reconstruction are elected to remove excess skin, fat and tissue from the chest. The biggest difference between the two procedures is the amount of skin and tissue removed. Breast reduction can be used to minimize, but not completely eliminate the breasts, and as a result the chest isn’t contoured to …

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