Our practice is committed to ensuring the safety and success of our patients pursuing gender confirmation surgery. We understand that embarking on this journey might seem daunting and we want to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. To that end, we will discuss some health concerns that may impact your surgical outcome including body weight, smoking, and certain medications. By understanding how these factors can impact your procedure, you can take steps to optimize your health and become a good candidate for breast augmentation top surgery, formerly called MTF top surgery.
At the Gender Confirmation Center (GCC), we offer breast augmentations to trans women and non-binary patients, not just patients who identify as “MTF.” Identity is not a requirement for surgical candidacy or insurance coverage. That said, most providers will only cover breast augmentation as a medically necessary procedure if patients have been on continuous estrogen hormone replacement therapy (HRT). For more information, see below.
Breast augmentation top surgery carries all of the same risks associated with any surgical procedure. To ensure your risk of complications and side effects are low, it is important to possess good overall health in advance of breast augmentation.
The information below is meant to serve as a basic guideline for prospective patients. It is not all-encompassing or definitive. Each patient is unique and the only way to truly determine if breast augmentation is right for you is to schedule a free, virtual consultation with one of our board certified plastic surgeons
To reduce your risk of complications and negative side effects, it’s essential that you disclose all of your medical history to your surgeon during your consultation. Hiding significant health problems (or current prescriptions) because you think they will prevent you from having the procedure will only hurt you in the long run.
Though the following medical conditions won’t necessarily prevent you from being a good candidate for surgery, they may necessitate medical clearance from your regular physician:
Breast augmentation isn’t right for everyone. Prior to surgery, you will need to undergo a physical examination with your surgeon, as well as an in-depth discussion of your health history and cosmetic goals.
For your safety, it’s important to disclose all prescription and over-the-counter medications, dietary and herbal supplements and recreational drugs you have taken in the six months leading up to your surgical consultation. Certain drugs and supplements may have a negative impact on your surgery, and will need to be discontinued in advance. Your surgeon will go over these restrictions with you at length.
There are no definite weight restrictions for this procedure. However, patients who are overweight or obese will have a higher risk of complications and unfavorable results. Possessing realistic expectations when you are overweight is key to patient satisfaction.
Additionally, if you are planning on losing a significant amount of weight, it’s recommended that you get closer to your ideal weight before undergoing breast surgery. This will greatly enhance the final cosmetic result of your procedure.
If you’re a current smoker, you’re probably already well-versed in the negative health consequences associated with regular tobacco use. Because a smoking habit greatly compromises your body’s natural healing ability, you will be required to quit smoking at least three full weeks in advance of surgery (and another three weeks post-surgery).
Smoking limits blood flow to the skin and triggers the release of skin-damaging free radicals which are likely to increase swelling and worsen scarring during recovery.
While it is not a requirement, it is recommended that patients interested in breast augmentation undergo a full-dosage treatment of feminizing hormone therapy for a minimum 12 months prior to breast augmentation surgery. Doing so can help maximize breast tissue growth to obtain better surgical (aesthetic) results. That said, our surgeons are experienced in operating on patients who microdose or do not take HRT.
In the video below, Dr. Facque (he/him) explains how HRT can effect your breast augmentation results:
The only way to determine if you are an ideal candidate for breast augmentation is to schedule a free, virtual or in-person consultation with one of our surgeons. During your consultation, you will undergo a physical exam, and discuss important factors such as your current health and aesthetic goals.
All virtual and in-person consultations with our board-certified surgeons are free. Once you fill out this form, our patient care team will reach out and guide you through every step to get to surgery.