
Additional Chest Reconstruction Top Surgery Procedures

Chest reconstruction top surgery is often the first, and sometimes the only, surgery that many of our patients opt for. However, there are additional chest procedures that can be performed to enhance the final outcome of your chest reconstruction top surgery, antiquatedly referred to as FTM top surgery. Learn more about the additional chest reconstruction options that our San Francisco surgical practice offers, such as liposuction, pectoral implants, and revision procedures that suit your goals and preferences. Combining multiple procedures may also benefit your top surgery cost and recovery, however it is important to have a discussion with your surgeon to determine whether you are a good candidate for such procedures. If you have any questions about the information in this article, you can reach out to our team on instagram for a response. If you’re ready to start your surgical journey with the GCC (Gender Confirmation Center),

you can discuss these options in detail with one of our board-certified surgeons in a free, virtual or in-person consultation.

Neuortization for Sensation Preservation with Double Incision Top Surgery

The cost of undergoing a double incision (DI) top surgery with free nipple grafting (FNG) is often a loss of heightened, erotic sensation to the nipple-areola complex. At the GCC we are proud to announce a collaboration with Dr. Ziv Peled (he/him) that will allow us to offer patients the option to retain heightened nipple sensation after top surgery. Neurotization involves meticulously dissecting the nerves from the chest wall, rejoining and connecting them to the nerve bundle on the nipple graft. This technique allows for patients to retain a heightened, erotic sensation to their nipples post-op. For more information about this procedure, click here.


Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures in the U.S. It is ideal for people who wish to remove excess fat from the abdomen, flanks, hips and buttocks. Liposuction is a very straightforward procedure that can usually be performed alongside chest reconstruction top surgery. Once the patient has been sedated, the GCC surgeon will make very small incisions (around 4mm) near the target treatment sites. Then a cannula (a thin suctioning tube) is inserted into these incisions. Using gentle back-and-forth motions, the GCC surgeon will break up and suction out excess fat.

Generally speaking, the areas our surgeons tend to liposuction to maximize a patient’s top surgery results are the area under the armpits, the middle of the chest and the upper abdomen. Removing fat from these three zones can help with chest tightening for patients who would like to achieve very flat results. Likewise, liposuctioning under the armpits in particular can help prevent dog ears. Our surgeons strongly reccomend that patients who undergo chest liposuctioning use drains during the recovery process to prevent hematomas.

Pectoral Implants

Though they are less common for top surgery patients, pectoral implants can be used to add balance and proportion to your upper body. Implants are composed of a solid silicone base – unlike traditional breast implants – so there is no risk of rupture.  Our surgeons have access to a variety of implant shapes and sizes to help you achieve your goals. Pectoral implants are placed under the chest muscle and will not prevent the patient from developing these muscles later on through weight training. The recovery process for pectoral implants is similar to that of top surgery and breast augmentation: at 3 weeks post-op patients can take up light activity again and at 6 weeks post-op a patient will have no activity restrictions.

Combining Multiple Chest Procedures and Your Safety

It may be possible to combine multiple procedures into a single surgery. Your surgeon will be able to determine if you are a good candidate following an in-person consultation. Many patients prefer to group multiple procedures into a single surgery because it’s generally less expensive and eliminates the need for multiple recovery periods.

It is important to note that combining multiple procedures may increase your risk of surgical complications. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you in-depth prior to your procedure. In certain circumstances, it may be safer to perform your procedures in stages to decrease these risks.

Revisions to Chest Reconstruction Top Surgery

Chest reconstruction top surgery is a complicated procedure and there are no absolute guarantees. Though most patients only require a single surgery to achieve their desired outcome, in our  practice there is a 3-4% chance that you will need revision surgery following chest reconstruction top surgery. Additional procedures may be necessary to correct chest asymmetry or a complication related to surgery, such as liposuction or removal of excess skin.

If revision surgery is necessary, you will not be charged an additional surgeon’s fee for revisionary procedures – as long as they are within the scope of the original surgery, and as long as the  revision is performed within one year of the original surgery. However, you will still be responsible for anesthesia and operating room costs.

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All virtual and in-person consultations with our board-certified surgeons are free. Once you fill out this form, our patient care team will reach out and guide you through every step to get to surgery.

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