Scarring is an inevitable consequence of most surgical procedures, including MTF breast augmentation. Though most patients don’t experience significant scarring, it’s important to prepare yourself for the possibility. Scars from MTF breast augmentation develop along the incision line where the implants are inserted.
Scars form because of trauma to the skin. After a surgical incision, our bodies naturally produce a protein called collagen to repair the gap. Collagen is like the cement filling between two bricks.
Though collagen is an essential part of the natural healing process, it often results in a noticeable scar. The more skin is damaged, the longer it will take to heal and the greater chance of significant scarring. Additional factors such as age, genetic factors, skin tone and location can affect the appearance of a scar.
The location and appearance of scars depend on the incision pattern used during surgery. Breast implants are typically placed through one of three incisions: along the border of the areola (periareolar), below the fold of the chest muscle (inframammary), or through the armpit (transaxillary).
The best incision pattern for you will depend on several factors such as your body type, implant size and implant type, as well as your personal preference.
Please note that at the GCC, none of our surgeons currently offer the transaxillary incision option, which leaves the scarring hidden inside the armpit. This is because the transaxillary approach carries a high risk of complications and often does not produce ideal results for the unique anatomy of transfeminine patients. You can look up plastic surgeons in the following directories to search for a provider that can provide you with the transaxillary approach:
Scarring will be the most noticeable during the first few months of recovery. They will appear raised and hyper pigmented against the rest of your skin. Over the course of several months, they will begin to fade and flatten. The final appearance of your scars may not be apparent for up to 18 months.
There are several steps you can take to improve the appearance of scars following MTF breast augmentation. Our doctors will provide. you with a detailed list prior to your surgery. Lifestyle choices such as refraining from tobacco use and wearing sunscreen can improve your body’s natural healing response. Eating a diet high in protein, zinc and vitamin C has also been proven to accelerate healing.
Popular scar treatments include:
Before trying any of the methods listed above, It is best to discuss these options with your doctor He will be able to determine which of the above methods will yield the best results for your scars and skin type.
If topical treatments aren’t enough to minimize scarring, other treatments may be able to provide you with significant improvements:
All virtual and in-person consultations with our board-certified surgeons are free. Once you fill out this form, our patient care team will reach out and guide you through every step to get to surgery.