Gender Affirmation Surgeries: The Complete Guide

The Complete Guide to Gender-Affirming Surgeries Medically reviewed by Jennifer Richman on February 20, 2025. What is Gender Affirmation Surgery? Gender-affirming surgery is an umbrella term for a series of surgical procedures that help transgender, non-binary, and gender non-confirming individuals alleviate their gender dysphoria and promote a sense of congruence between their physical body and gender identity. Not everyone needs surgery to affirm their gender. Below we outline the different types of gender affirmation surgeries that are documented in the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s (WPATH) Standards of Care 8 (SOC8). You can request a free, surgical consultation to have your questions answered about the procedures below and/or create …

Understanding Non-Binary Identity

Understanding Non-Binary Identity What is Non-Binary? Approximately 1.2 million adults between the ages of 18 and 60 are classified as non-binary, with 5% of the young adult population in the USA also not identifying exclusively as men or women Non-binary is an umbrella term for people who do not identify exclusively as men or women. Non-binary is a gender identity, meaning that it describes someone’s internal sense of gender, independent of the sex they were assigned at birth. To be clear, identity is not the same as choice. Everyone has a gender identity, meaning that everyone identifies as a man, or a woman or has an identity that transcends this …

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